Wanted! Bachfest Patrons

»Great patron, your pleasure
Must even vanquish our sound,
For you do us honour with your favour.
Among the treasures of your wisdom
Nothing can give you such delight
As the art of sweet sounds«.

You are a Bach lover

and want to hear the Bachfest concerts from the very best seats?

You are looking

for the special experience, the exclusive proximity to the Bachfest artists and Bach Archive experts?

If so, become a Bachfest Patron!

Choose your category of membership:


Photo: Stefan MalzkornThe young Johann Sebastian was an organist through and through: an enthusiast who ardently assimilated the works of his favourite composers and modelled his own style on them; ungovernable, highly virtuosic and obsessed with his objective of sounding out the mysteries of harmony and counterpoint. His most famous organ work today, the Toccata and Fugue in D minor, symbolises all these characteristics – and in the index of Bach’s work bears the number 565.


YOUR CONTRIBUTION: 565 Euros p. A. / (Membership for couples +14 percent: 644 Euros p. A.)





  • Reservation of two tickets in exclusive seating areas for up to three concerts
  • Attendance of one dress rehearsal with a chance to meet and greet festival artists
  • Exclusive Patrons´ meeting during the Bachfest with Lunch or Dinner (unaccompanied)

Photo: Gert MothesWhen Bach became Thomaskantor in Leipzig in 1723, he had come full circle. In his younger days, he had once said he regarded it as the »ultimate goal« of his life to perform a »well-regulated church music to the glory of God«. This task became the main focus of his work for 27 years, until his death. Between 1723 and 1750, cantor Bach wrote numerous pieces that are now monuments of music history: music »for the recreation of the soul« and of timeless validity, which every year form the central point of the Bachfest.


YOUR CONTRIBUTION: 3.473 Euros p. A. (1.723 + 1.750) / (Membership for couples +14 percent: 3.960 Euros p. A.)





  • Reservation of two tickets in exclusive seating areas for up to ten concerts
  • Attendance of two dress rehearsals with a chance to meet and greet the festival artists
  • Exclusive Patrons’ meeting during the Bachfest with Lunch or Dinner (accompanied)



Photo: Gert MothesWhether as capellmeister in Köthen or court compositeur to the electors of Saxony, Bach spoke all the musical languages of Europe – yet as a composer was comparable to none. This is why in many compositions he hid his musical signature: the famous B-A-C-H motif – at theend of the Art of Fugue, for example (in German the note B flat is written »B«, and B natural »H«). Moreover, the number 14 had special significance for him – it is the sum of the notes according to their place in the alphabet: B(2)+A(1)+C(3)+H(8). Multiplied by his annual income in Leipzig of around 1,000 guilders, »Capellmeister Bach« is worth 14,000 Euros. At least!


YOUR CONTRIBUTION: 14.000 Euros p. A. / (Membership for couples +14 percent: 15.690 Euros p. A.)



  • Reservation of two tickets in exclusive seating areas for up to 14 concerts
  • A hassle-free, all-inclusive package for your visit to the Bachfest: ticket support, hotel reservation, shuttle service
  • Two tickets for the Christmas Oratorio by the Thomanerchor in December, including an invitation to the annual Donors Feast of the Bach Archive and a briefing by the artistic director on the upcoming Bachfest
  • Invitation to the reception held by the Mayor of Leipzig at the opening of the Bachfest
  • Attendance of four dress rehearsals (accompanied) with a chance to meet and greet the festival artists
  • Exclusive Patrons’ meeting during the Bachfest with Lunch or Dinner (accompanied)
  • A personal tour (accompanied by the artistic director or the director of the Bach Archive) of the Bach Museum including a private presentation of Bach autographs: on the date of your choosing and for up to eleven people




Photo: Gert MothesThomaskantor Bach was also director musices Lipsiensis, that is, the director of music for the whole of Leipzig. He was the head of all the musical activities in the town. No other person enjoyed the same privileges and powers. Similarly, Bach is regarded as the ›director‹ by generations of musicians – in the sense of the ruler of the realm of harmony. In the 24 preludes and fugues of his Well-Tempered Clavier – which Robert Schumann called the »daily bread« of all pianists and composers – he is the supreme master of all 24 keys.


YOUR CONTRIBUTION: 24.000 Euros p. A. / (Membership for couples +14 percent: 27.360 Euros p. A.)





  • Reservation of two tickets in exclusive seating areas for all concerts
  • A hassle-free, all-inclusive package for your visit to the Bachfest: ticket support, hotel reservation, shuttle service
  • Two tickets for the Christmas Oratorio by the Thomanerchor in December, including an invitation to the annual Donors Feast of the Bach Archive and a briefing by the artistic director on the upcoming Bachfest
  • Invitation to the reception held by the Mayor of Leipzig at the opening of the Bachfest
  • Attendance of four dress rehearsals (accompanied) including an evening meal with the president of the Bach Archive (currently Ton Koopman) or the artist-in-residence
  • Exclusive Patrons’ meeting during the Bachfest with Lunch or Dinner (accompanied)
  • A personal tour (accompanied by the artistic director or the director of the Bach Archive) of the Bach Museum including a private presentation of Bach autographs: on the date of your choosing and for up to eleven people
  • Use of the Summer Hall in the Bach Archive for private events
MAECENAS - THE COMITTED DONOR (corporate membership)

Photo: Gert MothesThroughout his life, Bach was supported by patrons of the arts – wealthy music lovers from the aristocracy, politics and business who time and again encouraged him to achieve musical feats of strength. And turned many of his works into gold. One of these best-known patrons was Count Keyserling – a diplomat who suffered from insomnia. He commissioned Bach to write a keyboard work which was to be played to him every night by his musician, Johann Gottlieb Goldberg. Bach delivered a series of variations, the now immortal »Goldberg Variations«. Thecount was delighted. He rewarded Bach with a golden cup filled with 100 louis d’or – gold coins that at his time were worth five thalers each.


YOUR CONTRIBUTION: from 5.000 Euros p. A. (renewable annually)





  • Free use of the Bachfest logo for your own website/publications
  • Reservation of two tickets in exclusive seating areas for up to five concerts
  • Invitation to the reception held by the Mayor of Leipzig at the opening of the Bachfest
  • Attendance of a dress rehearsal (accompanied by up to ten persons) with a chance to meet and greet the festival artists
  • Exclusive Patrons’ meeting during the Bachfest with Lunch or Dinner (accompanied)
  • Sponsorship of a young artist of your choice, including meeting her/him in person
  • Use of the Summer Hall in the Bach Archive for your own events

In addition to the advantages of your category you will receive general advantages:


  • Personalized confirmation of your membership designed as a certificate signed and sealed by J. S. Bach
  • Exclusive purchase options for advance tickets
  • Bookings in exclusive seating area (in St. Thomas’ Church/St. Nicholas’ Church)
  • Access to the BachStage VIP lounge on Market Square in Leipzig
  • Attendance of dress rehearsals with a chance to meet and greet artists
  • Exclusive patrons’ meeting including lunch or dinner
  • Tour of the Bach Museum incl. Bach autographs
  • Briefing by the artistic director on the upcoming Bachfest
  • Name appears in all publications of the Bachfest
  • Name on the Donors board in Bosehaus (from 50,000 € in total)
  • Involvement in the activities of the Friends of the Bach Archive
  • Free subscription of the Bach Magazin (two issues per year)
  • Access to a unique network of Bach lovers and researchers all over the world


The Bachfest Patrons were founded in September 2020. We are happy to welcome



ACL, Germany

Artful Journeys, USA


Director Musices

Arend Oetker, Germany



Gerlinde and Peter Dobiasch, Germany

Gabriela and Burkhard Gantenbein, Austria

Jessica and Reinhard Höll, Germany

Miguel Rodé, USA

Lilli and Manfred Rühle, Germany

Takuya Shinkado, Japan

Marsha and Michael Wynn, USA



Silvia Agostini and Christopher Kienle, Germany

Dieter Bärnthaler and Roman Kriszt, Austria

Dietrich Barth, Germany

Andrea and William Benton, USA

Karen and David Benton, USA

Zeynep Castel-Branco, Monaco

Robert Cornfield, USA

Jaime Daez, Philippines

Mike Emmerich, Great Britain

Angelika and Klaus Günther, Germany

Kinuyo Hashimoto, Japan

Hiltrud Heinrichs, Germany

Stefan Hillejan, Germany

Gudrun and Jörg Hübert, Germany

John Kingman, Great Britain

Patricia Krol and Stephen Chiumenti, USA

José C. Lacal, Mexico

Élise and Philippe Lesage, France

Sabine and Manfred Lohmann, Germany

Teta Moehs and William Begley, USA

Evelyn Möller, Germany

Kathy and Robert Moore, Germany

Claudia Mühl-Wingen and Franz-Josef Wingen, Germany

Michael Müller and Gunnar Neidhardt, Germany

Elke and Ingolf Otto, Germany

Carsten Ritter, Germany

Peter Römhild, Germany

Russell E. Schulz, Germany

Hubertus Schulz-Wilke, Germany

Brenda Smith and Ronald Burrichter, USA

Hermann Steep, Germany

Brigitte and Walter Christian Steinbach, Germany

Evelyne Strobl and Alois Lechner, Austria

Pascalle Willems, Belgium

Werner Wendler, Germany

Rüdiger Weyer, Germany

Kimiko and Alfred Ziegler, Germany


Likewise, we thank all Bachfest Patrons with a silent membership.


Do you want to become a Patron too?


Your contact


Sandra Schmidt, M. A.
Fundraising advisor

Tel.: +49 341 9137-103
Fax: +49 341 9137-105
Email: intendanz@bach-leipzig.de


Please note: Legally, Leipzig Bachfest Patrons are members of the Vereinigung der Freunde des Bach Archivs Leipzig e. V.. This means that membership fees are considered as donations and are tax-deductible. U. S. residents may make tax-deductible donations by becoming members of the American Friends of the Leipzig Bach Archive, Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.


The advantages of membership are not benefits in kind or services, but non-material privileges.


Membership fees can also be transferred directly to the following account:
Commerzbank Leipzig
IBAN: DE79 8604 0000 0204 3818 00

If you are an U. S. resident, please contact the American Friends of the Leipzig Bach Archive, 11A Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 (www.americanbachfriends.org).

