A Forest for Bach

Planting campaign 2022: Minister President of the Free State of Saxony Michael Kretschmer & Bachfest Director Michael Maul ©Gert Mothes
The project: The Johann Sebastian Bach Forest

Every year in June, musicians, Bach fans and tourists from all over the world make Leipzig the meeting place for the global Bach family. In order to reduce the ecological footprint of the Bachfest Leipzig in times of climate change, the Bach Archive is supporting the planting of the «Johann Sebastian Bach Forest« on the edge of a former open-cast lignite mine in the south of Leipzig.

Over the next few years, a forest covering an area of around 29 hectares will be created on the western shore of Lake Störmthal with the aim of protecting the climate, conserving the soil and water and enhancing the local recreational area. A total of around 129,000 trees are planned. The forest binds 250 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Over 9 hectares have already been realised between 2013 and 2018. The project is organised by the non-profit foundation «Forest for Saxony«.

The History & Location

The History

A few months after taking up the post of Thomaskantor, Johann Sebastian Bach inspected the new Hildebrandt organ in the church of the village of Störmthal – and found it excellent. For its inauguration on 2 November 1723, the cantata »Höchsterwünschtes Freudenfest«, BWV 194, specially composed for the occasion by Johann Sebastian Bach, was performed there. Since the organ is one of the few Bach organs which have been conserved largely in their original state, the village of Störmthal occupies a special place on the list of authentic Bach venues. The Bachfest is a regular guest here with its »Bach unterwegs« (Bach Out and About) series of concert trips.


The Location

The new Johann Sebastian Bach Forest is located on the western shore of Lake Störmthal. Störmthal is of further interest today due to its proximity to the former opencast lignite mine of Espenhain: during the 1980s, the entire village was in danger of being laid waste. Today, the opencast mine has been replaced by lake Störmthaler See. It is part of the »Leipziger Neuseenland« area of new lakes created from the conversion of former mines. One key ambition of efforts to restore and recultivate the former mine landscape is to create new stretches of forest for people and animals.

Donate Now!

For only € 5 one tree can be planted and taken care of for 3 years.

From a tree donation of €500 (private individuals) or €1,500 (companies), your name will be immortalized on a sponsor plaque, which will be put up next to the Johann Sebastian Bach Forest.

Or send your donation to the following bank account:

Bach-Wald Spendenkonto

Bach-Archiv Leipzig
IBAN: DE39 8605 5592 1100 9011 04
BIC: WELADE8LXXX (Sparkasse Leipzig)
Reference: Bach-Wald

Thank you very much!
